A bad lawyer can cost you money. A good lawyer can free you up from all of that extra work and let you focus on what matters most – running your business.
That said, there are some things in life that people should never forget; they do they. And one of those things is that lawyers are human beings too and some mistakes are inevitable.
Here are four simple things to look out for when choosing a legal professional for your business. If these don’t ring true then it might be time to sit down with an attorney and ask for clarification.
1) Who has experience?
Do their clients tell them how well they work? You don’t want to hire someone who has been sued before simply because you can’t guarantee they’ll win their case. It’s better to trust your gut and check if this person has a track record of winning cases. When it comes to legal services there is no substitute for experience. They will know how to appeal rulings if they are in court and that doesn’t mean any more than that. But that does not mean that you shouldn’t have other questions in mind. That takes more thought and consideration than just checking whether or not they’ve won cases as there is more involved consideration. In fact, lawyers are often able to answer such questions better than anyone else in the room as you are probably far more familiar with your business and your legal team, so that information may help narrow down your options.
2) What are their qualifications?
Are they licensed? Legal education and experience is sometimes taken out of context. There are many different types of licenses depending on how you wish to use it. So, do they have the appropriate legal license? This can vary depending on various states so make sure to double-check the licensing status with their state. Again, this means you should take extra care when selecting a law firm for your business. Most of us already have our own opinions about whether we think they have the right qualifications for the job just by virtue of being qualified in whatever way. However, it’s also important to remember that the best attorneys generally have decades-long careers working in and at the very top of their field.
3) Do they have any experience dealing with small businesses?
At home. Not necessarily but it would make sense. Smaller firms might need special legal knowledge as their business structures aren’t established enough to deal with larger companies. If you find yourself hiring the same lawyer over and over again, you’re limiting your options. As mentioned earlier, experience matters when hiring a new lawyer. Look for attorneys that have dealt with local areas. Find someone who speaks regularly to the particular firm and then research the city or town, etc, where they live. You can usually get good tips on what kind of area they may be representing your business in through family connections.
4) Does the firm do any web marketing?
Marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. Just make sure they have enough links to their website with social media advertising and/or online reviews to show they do a lot of legwork to attract potential customers. Keep in mind, however, that having an actual website (even one with high domain authority) is helpful because it gives prospective business owners and employees an easy way to search for a specific service provider. Unfortunately, every company that says they have done everything possible to market themselves has done nothing more than throw away their chances and it doesn’t pay off. Don’t put anything on your website unless you can prove it, but that doesn’t always mean you can afford someone to do it for you. With all the tools available today, you still need to keep in mind your budget. Be careful here. Some companies may say that “we sell your product and have your customer service team handle all of your sales.” While it sounds convenient and understandable at first glance, beware of promises like that, as you’d be surprised what is actually offered. One thing you must consider here is the possibility that your company may not even exist yet and the company has no idea you do.
When looking at law firms, start with a few questions to see if the firm you are considering has all the answers you are looking for and what type of work you want to do. Once you start thinking through all of this, keep in mind that there are several factors that come into play when searching for a law partner. Sometimes the price or availability of legal services may depend on the specifics of your business, the type of company you have or whether the client is really ready to settle your matter because if they don’t then you’ll need a separate lawyer or another set of attorneys.